
The First Evangelist

1. The First Evangelist - An Easter Story

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says, "seek and you will find." His words are quite similar to what prophets and writers of the Old Testament said of God, like from Jeremiah, "And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart."

Even though God is all around us, God can seem quite hidden from us. I wonder if people experience a lack of God because they aren't really seeking God? Well, today's message is a story of a woman who sought after God with all her heart, and she was the first one to see Jesus after his resurrection.

Doug Ellis  Doug Ellis    |   April 4, 2021   |   John 20:11-18

2. Midweek Reflection - Seek and Find

The Bible describes a fairly simple phenomena of spiritual living that goes something like this: If you genuinely pour yourself into seeking God, you will find him. You will!

Doug Ellis  Doug Ellis    |   April 8, 2021   |   Deuteronomy 4:29

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The Orchard Church
of Dunn Loring Virginia