Current Message Series


The Way

It doesn't matter if you are a kid, a youth, or an adult - if you have committed your life to Jesus, then you've committed your life to "following Jesus". Let's get walking on The Way.

1. Discover The Way

Doug Ellis  Doug Ellis    |   September 8, 2024   |   Deuteronomy 5:33

4. A Primer on Spiritual Warfare

The topic of Spiritual Warfare gets a lot of attention in some corners of Christianity, with teachings that are sometimes more speculative and sensationalized, than biblical. In other corners of Christianity, the topic of Spiritual Warfare is rarely touched upon, and this negligence plays right into the hands of demonic activity.

To introduce the arena of Spiritual Warfare, this message covers five points from Scripture: (1) we must be attentive to spiritual attacks, (2) demons are real, (3) Christians cannot be possessed, but are nonetheless vulnerable, (4) these spiritual attacks are deceptive, and (5) we counter these attacks with spiritual weapons and a defensive posture.

Audio and Message Summary: [Click]

Doug Ellis  Doug Ellis    |   September 29, 2024   |   Ephesians 6:10-18

5. The New Occult

The Occult describes activities that attempt to connect with hidden spirit forces, either to gain knowledge or to access power.

You may be familiar with some practices of the occult, such as witchcraft, palm reading, astrology, fortune telling, and seances. But there are also modern occult practices that masquerade as goodness, are not so easy to identify, but still have the same core pursuits of the “hidden”.

Doug Ellis  Doug Ellis    |   October 6, 2024   |   Deuteronomy 18:9-14

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The Orchard Church
of Dunn Loring Virginia